Checkout or add more course/s for yourself or another student.
A101 Complete Beginner
This class is for students who have never taken French classes in the past and who are complete beginner.
Upon completion of the A101 level, you should be able to:
- Spell your first name and your last name and understand someone who spells their first name and their last name
- Give the names of the countries in French
- Count (0-99)
- Perform and understand basic greetings
- Provide, without too much hesitation and in a continuous form, basic information on yourself, what you like and dislike
- Engage, without too much hesitation, in a short conversation to ask and answer basic questions in relation to yourself and someone else, provide and obtain basic information such as: first and last names, occupation, workplace, address, phone number, email address, nationality.
- Introduce someone
- Give explanations
- Fill out a simple questionnaire, write someone else's name, address, phone number, email address
- Mention by name countries and cities
- Locate places in a city
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 0 + dossier 1 + dossier 2 (lessons 1 and 2) (p.10-41)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A102 Complete Beginner
This class is for false beginners. Upon completion of the A102 level, you should be able to:
- Pinpoint a place on a map
- Talk about a mode of transportation
- Ask question to get acquainted with someone during a trip
- Talk about a type of accommodation
- Exchange information about a type of accommodation
- Talk about your family
- Describe someone
- Talk about your likes and dislikes
- Talk about your job, passions and dreams
- Talk about your hobbies
- Explain a health issue
Prerequisite: A101 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 2 (lessons 3 to 6) + dossier 3 (p.42-71)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A103 Complete Beginner
This class is for false beginners. Upon completion of the A103 Level, you should be able to:
- Express time and schedule
- Talk about your daily routine
- Tell about your routine at work
- Get information to go out
- Offer someone to go out and accept or refuse such an invitation
- Tell about past events
- Talk about recent experiences and projects
- Understand a biography
- Describe someone physically
Prerequisite: A102 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 4 + dossier 5 (lessons 1 to 4) (p.71-99)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A201 Elementary
Upon completion of the A201 level, you should be able to:
- Speak about past and current events
- Give advice
- Understand a trip program
- Choose a destination and a travel plan
- Describe a city and a place
- Describe an accommodation option
- Talk about the seasons and the climate
- Express feelings and sensations
- Understand a menu and give your opinion
- Interact at the grocery store
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 5 (lessons 5 and 6) + dossier 6 + dossier 7 (lessons 1 and 2) (p.100-131)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A202 Elementary
Upon completion of the A202 level, you should be able to:
- Compare reading practices
- Talk about an evolution (before/now)
- Interact in a clothing store
- Give a positive or negative opinion
- Talk about your learning experience
- Describe a restaurant and order food
- Choose a costume
- Qualify an object or a person
- Recommend a movie or a show
- Organize a party
Prerequisite: A103 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 7 (lessons 3 to 6) + dossier 8 (p.132-161)
Pace: Standard 9-week
A203 Elementary
Upon completion of the A203 level, you should be able to:
- Compare trip programs
- Deal with some administrative papers
- Prepare a travel plan
- Ask information about an accommodation
- Describe a place
- Give precisions on a place
- Tell about a cultural experience
- Understand advice and safety measures
Prerequisite: A202 or placement test.
Material used: Cosmopolite 2, dossier 1 + dossier 2 (lessons 1 and 2) (p.10-33)
Pace: Standard 9-week
Interaction Orale A2-B1
Through presentations, debates and interactive exercises based on the participants' interests, put your language skills into oral practice.
Pace: Standard 9-week
B102 Independent
A la fin du niveau B102, vous serez capable de :
- Formuler une critique et proposer des solutions
- Demander et donner un avis
- Parler de fais d’actualité
- Comprendre des informations dans la presse
- Réagir et donner des précisions
- Faire des suggestions
- Exprimer des souhaits et des espoirs
- Parler de l’actualité littéraire
Prérequis : B101 ou test de placement.
Matériel utilisé : Cosmopolite 2, dossier 7 (leçons 5 to 6) + dossier 8 (p.128-153)
Pace: Standard 9-week
B106 Independent
A la fin du niveau B106, vous serez capable de :
- Valoriser votre expérience professionnelle
- Comprendre un métier
- Décrire le début de sa journée de travail
- Analyser la une d’un magazine
- Comparer les médias traditionnels et les médias
- Relater un évènement
- Structurer un article de presse
- Rapporter des faits passés
- Repérer et analyser des fausses nouvelles
- Expliquer et argumenter
Prérequis : B105 ou test de placement.
Matériel utilisé : Cosmopolite 3, dossier 5 (leçons 3 et 4) + dossier 6 (p.90-117)
Pace: Standard 9-week
French Conversation B1
Improve your speaking skills and expand your vocabulary through lively interactions. Join this Conversation class to better communicate
in French.
- Enrich your vocabulary exploring current news in French
- Develop your ability to speak
- Become more comfortable in conversations
Pace: Special
Interaction Orale A2-B1
Through presentations, debates and interactive exercises based on the participants' interests, put your language skills into oral practice.
Pace: Standard 9-week
B206 Advanced
A la fin du niveau B206, vous serez capable de :
- Dénoncer un problème de société
- Proposer des solutions
- Comparer des pratiques professionnelles
- Présenter des parcours et d'expliquer des choix de vie
- Identifier et de décrire des compétences professionnelles
- Communiquer en contexte professionnel
- Comprendre un métier et un environnement professionnel
- Exprimer un point de vue argumenté sur une question liée au travail
Prérequis : B205 ou test de placement.
Matériel utilisé : Cosmopolite 4, dossier 6 (leçon 4) + dossier 7
Pace: Standard 9-week
French Conversation - B2
Improve your speaking skills and expand your vocabulary through lively interactions. Join this Conversation class to better communicate
in French.
- Enrich your vocabulary exploring current news in French
- Develop your ability to speak
- Become more comfortable in conversations
Pace: Special
Interaction Orale B2-C1
Through presentations, debates and interactive exercises based on the participants' interests, put your language skills into oral practice.
Pace: Standard 9-week
Maintien des Acquis B2-C1 Evening
Maintain your written and oral skills with interactive presentations and projects. New, real-world themes and objectives every session.
Pace: Standard 9-week
Maintien des Acquis B2-C1 Noon
Maintain your written and oral skills with interactive presentations and projects. New, real-world themes and objectives every session.
Pace: Standard 9-week