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Kids & Teens
Oral Placement Test
TWCC test
A1 Discovery
A1 Discovery

A101 Complete Beginner


This class is for students who have never taken French classes in the past and who are complete beginner.

Upon completion of the A101 level, you should be able to:

  • Spell your first name and your last name and understand someone who spells their first name and their last name
  • Give the names of the countries in French
  • Count (0-99)
  • Perform and understand basic greetings
  • Provide, without too much hesitation and in a continuous form, basic information on yourself, what you like and dislike
  • Engage, without too much hesitation, in a short conversation to ask and answer basic questions in relation to yourself and someone else, provide and obtain basic information such as: first and last names, occupation, workplace, address, phone number, email address, nationality.
  • Introduce someone
  • Give explanations
  • Fill out a simple questionnaire, write someone else's name, address, phone number, email address
  • Mention by name countries and cities
  • Locate places in a city

Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 0 + dossier 1 + dossier 2 (lessons 1 and 2) (p.10-41)

Pace: Standard 9-week

A102 Complete Beginner


This class is for false beginners. Upon completion of the A102 level, you should be able to:

  • Pinpoint a place on a map
  • Talk about a mode of transportation
  • Ask question to get acquainted with someone during a trip
  • Talk about a type of accommodation
  • Exchange information about a type of accommodation
  • Talk about your family
  • Describe someone
  • Talk about your likes and dislikes
  • Talk about your job, passions and dreams
  • Talk about your hobbies
  • Explain a health issue

    Prerequisite: A101 or placement test.

    Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 2 (lessons 3 to 6) + dossier 3 (p.42-71)

    Pace: Standard 9-week

    A103 Complete Beginner


    This class is for false beginners. Upon completion of the A103 Level, you should be able to:

    • Express time and schedule
    • Talk about your daily routine
    • Tell about your routine at work
    • Get information to go out
    • Offer someone to go out and accept or refuse such an invitation
    • Tell about past events
    • Talk about recent experiences and projects
    • Understand a biography
    • Describe someone physically

    Prerequisite: A102 or placement test.

    Material used: Cosmopolite 1, dossier 4 + dossier 5 (lessons 1 to 4) (p.71-99)

    Pace: Standard 9-week