We offer two versions of the TEF: TEF Canada and the general TEF. Most candidates will want to take the TEF Canada. You should only take the general TEF if it is specifically required, or if you need the Lexique & Structure section. If you are applying for Permanent residency or Canadian Citizenship, you MUST take the TEF Canada.
Directed at candidates whose native language is not French and wishing to assess their level of French. It can be used for a variety of purposes (academic studies, emigration, citizenship applications, professional, etc.).
Directed specifically at candidates wishing to assess their level of French for immigration to Canada or citizenship.
April 07, 2025 -
Sold out
April 08, 2025 - Sold
April 14, 2025 - Sold
April 15, 2025 - Sold
April 22, 2025 - Sold
April 28,
2025 - Sold
April 29,
2025 - Sold
Please wait for the May sessions!
Dates are subject to sufficient registrations.
We suggest registering as early as possible, as the number of candidates per session is limited.
The TEF exam will take place at Alliance Française of Manitoba: 934 Corydon Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3M 0Y5.
The TEF is valid for 2 years from the date of taking the test, and you may take the TEF as many times as you wish with 30 days between 2
takes in any location.
Please note that no refund or deferment is possible. Cancellations for climatic or personal reasons are not possible.
You will get results within 4 weeks: an electronic version will be sent on your e-mail address from CCI-Paris. There
is absolutely no way to speed up the process as all information is sent to Paris.
The reading, listening and writing parts are computer-based. The speaking part takes place in-person with an assessor.
By registering and paying for the examination, you agree to our Terms &
and you certify that you have read all the necessary documents.
A few days before your exam, you will receive an official invitation with your schedule. It is essential you arrive at the time indicated
on your invitation as you will not be granted access to the room after the examination starts.
The AFM is not grading the exam and cannot be held responsible for the results obtained by the candidate. All files are sent to the Chambre
de Commerce
in Paris for grading.
For information about which test is required for immigration, citizenship or other purposes, please inquire with the immigration services
or the appropriate institution.
Our employees do not have
the training to answer those questions.
Complete and submit the TEF form below. When the form is completed you'll be asked to pay online on the products of the TEF displayed under the validation. Don't forget to PAY when you submit the form!
Scan your piece of ID and send it by email at info@afmanitoba.ca, if you did not provide it in the form.
If you're having troubles in doing so, contact us at 204-477-1515.
You will receive a confirmation by email from AFM about the date of your exam. If you do not hear from us within a week, please contact
us at (204) 477-1515.
The registration is not complete until payment has been received.
You can train for the exam by visiting the website of the CCIP HERE or by using the platform Prepmyfuture ($65).
No refund or deferment is possible. Cancellations for climatic or personal reasons are not possible.